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11/10/22 1:57 AM

#38 RE: NanoEE #37

I posted a LinkedIn post that was in both French and English on stockstwist.

He asked politely if I would put it in English for him. I growled at him and blocked him. Had that same conversation with that person a few times.

I give them the DD, and yet they want me to basicly read it to them.

11/9/22, 06:07 PM
@ImTC If you’re going to post it posted in English please

I think I post to myself there now on the SYAXF board. I am either blocking people or they are blocking me.

Warning never argue R/S with me when it comes to the ASX they do ADR's. That is one subject that will always fires me up. ASX will have two tickers on the US market, never a R/S.

Sorry I need to vent ;-)