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11/17/22 10:04 AM

#122480 RE: stockstobuy #122474

stockstobuy, sadly it is the investors fault as he said on the phone and everyone has the ability to look at the financial data and stock structure is just a click away on the OTC website. People who buy these stocks know it wont make any money yet the logic is keep buying into them just in case one does hit.

Its like playing lotto, you can’t win unless you buy a ticket. The difference is LOTTO you have a slim chance to win but with these OTC stocks you have zero chance to win if you buy the stocks hoping they go up. And with so many shares in the float held by so many that even on a slight rise up in price just a few sellers will kill the price right back down.

The reason you can never sell is the market makers get shares cheaper then the bid directly from the debt conversion shareholders and those are an endless supply. So when people say when the shares are all sold the price will rise wont ever happen. When the shares stop selling, the market makers vanish and that means no new buyers on the asked.

Everyone knows this; it’s the same story over and over from the same investors complaining every dame time on every dame ticker. I see the same past posts from the same investors on different tickers. The CEO of BRGO is correct when he said it is your fault sorry to say. For one reason the legal disclaimer says it all.

You may lose all your money and the company may not do what they set out to do.

BRGO cannot be charged with a crime when no crime was committed. If you gave you money to a man who said "DON'T DO IT" In the disclaimer is like buying milk and letting it sit in the fridge till it turns sour then try and return it when its weeks past its expiration date. You bought what you know would go bad and when it does you cry foul.

The OTC stocks are no different and OTC investors never change or learn. That is why so many pump and dumps exist and thrive, they are all competing for the FREE money being tossed out the windows by investors who just gamble it away.

To get rid of ALL pump and dump frauds, the debt conversion rule MUST BE ELIMINATED! that would mean all those pump and dumps could not sell and dilute and with no debt money they would fold. But you have to convince congress to make that law change and since they are in on the schemes nothing will change.