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80 bluchip 20 pot

11/07/22 3:38 PM

#72778 RE: Chip79 #72777

Chip, how debt conversion has actually increased debt is explained right in the contracts!

the converter has the ability to sell A/S to pay interest whereupon the debt is reduced by "50% of the lowest two points in that quarter"

hoping this video has convertible bonds and how hedgies create zombies, but I'm busy.

regardless, I'll answer your question.

in 2017 Ballas agreed to getting a loan of ?? for checking out 10B A/S the converters could use to sell to reduce debt. it was a bull market so the idea is say 1M was borrowed at 10% interest, all the converters would need to do is sell say 5B A/S at 0004 to generate 2 million for the converters and forgive the 1 million.

and instead and keep this in mind, it didn't just happen on UBQU it hapapned on aurora cannabis, canopy growth, sundial....they just started SELLING, the converters did. during potpocalypse of 2019 every pot stock crashed.
and ceos were blamed.

every time we ran up at ubqu towards 0010, the converters decided to sell, because ballas was in default on the interest. they'd sell 1B at average trip 7 generate 700,000 dollars and the debt would be forgiven maybe ....350,000 a quarter?
also this worked quite well for wall street owning all these zombies, because what do retailers do? they sell. If I'm right and only the folks on THIS forum hold? retailers might only hold 1-4 billion shares of the float!
so now there's no way the converters can sell (TO RETAILERS) to 000001 to continue the fun. so ballas' interest runs up.
so to answer your question and yeah to me it's pretty straightforward, also to most folks following the 10K+ other penny stocks.
if the debt isn't going to be reduced, why dole out the shares?
answer: because ballas isn't in control any more. nor are the CEos of the 10K other zombies. and doling out the shares keeps us in the cellarbox right where the hedge funds want us (right now) .
I won't even posit GPL might be on our side. but.....the ONLY thing I can see that connects UBQU, GDET, IMTL and Ballas is GPL ventures. might be a coincidence, because I'm sure GPL is the bondholder for many thousands of those 10K stocks. I don't have the time to do any research to see where these convertible bondholders connect up at wall street and market makers....but I'm sure they go somewhere, maybe citadel, maybe somewhere else.
as for Ballas adressing the debt question. if he adressed it the very way I am adressing it right now. well it would be over they'd sue him strip his company from him and eh who knows maybe throw him in jail and off to expert we would go.
besides why adress it? it's right in every fin and convertible bond contract right now for us to read and see.
hope this helps. but I know the thesis that Ballas is some archcriminal is strong on this board. if he were though, they would have shut this stock down and ballas would not even be in any of these penny stock webs post the big "get pink or die" push late 2021.