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12/24/23 1:47 AM

#807 RE: bar1080 #788

How's that Boeing treating you?


12/24/23 3:06 AM

#808 RE: bar1080 #788

As long as I can make a minimum 15-20% capital gain after withdrawing distributions I really don't care if you consider it gimmicky. I need CLM to get to $8/share in order to make over 20% excluding the distributions . While past performance is not indicative of future results, the market price was about the same -the 7.20s and 7.30s last December. I think $8/share is a low ball estimate. Paying attention,not gimmicks, is what is responsible for a successful trade in CLM/CRF, which both outperformed the S&P for anyone who bought at the 2022 lows and sold at the 2023 highs