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Kool Aid Man

10/25/22 1:01 AM

#21455 RE: Doctorday #21447

IMO Patel & Esposito can hardly qualify as efficiency experts if they are constantly fielding elementary questions from the likes of yours truly and others. Esposito famously asserts “Time is our most precious commodity” yes? So here's how he/ they could make good on that motto--

If this merger goes thru many predict there should be jump in the PPS correct? If so, that should trigger a sudden influx of impatient people eager to see what's going on. Now Patel, Espo & Co can either--

1) Ask all these people to chill as they sit thru hours long to Youtube presentations, listen to interviews about their dozens of other ancillary ventures, read pages articles or seemingly endless LinkedIN pages about all their other full time interests --OR--

2) Try to personally field and endless torrent of inquiries about EV Hotels --OR--

3) Consolidate, condense, distill the key points of the project into a quick, easily readable and above all VERIFIABLE summary that a new investor in a BIG hurry can grasp. One that could be put on the Intro Box here for example.

Sort of your basic "2 minute elevator presentation" with links to additional info and verifiable/ vetted DD.

I would also advise going easy on the grandiosity, hyperbole, name dropping as well as biographical lists of being the "winner of" this ...the "top 100 of" that ...the "Elon Musk of" whatever (said by whom?) awards etc. Even cursory digging reveals such "honors" are typically vanity-type (i.e. "paid for") self promotion. I won't dwell on their use here unless pressed but only say that such aggrandizements of prospective founders and principals should take a distant back seat to the BUSINESS. If that's not rock solid then it doesn't matter how many trophies one buys.