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02/13/07 3:17 PM

#265170 RE: InAnotherLife #265168

"Typical American ethic"
Where are you from?
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02/13/07 3:18 PM

#265171 RE: InAnotherLife #265168

I'm not agreeing with anyone or anything but...

There's a difference between workers and investors,

Workers provide work or services for a contracted amount of money,

An investors gambles in hopes of making money.

Yes, Olsen broke the law with both parties, but people don't apply for a job thinking "hey, I could lose all my money" wheras investors buy stocks with that exact knowledge. In the end, we're both screwed, and there is legal recourse, even for investors, but good luck with that. Labor is completely different then investments.
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02/13/07 4:53 PM

#265187 RE: InAnotherLife #265168

I think you will find that Chris is blaming the same people YOU are blaming, and HIS "duties" were discharged when he did the work he was contracted to do.
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02/13/07 11:53 PM

#265218 RE: InAnotherLife #265168

I'm guessing this comes courtesy of Team Fan out of Asia:

"Chris ,

You last post looks like you'll blame ANYONE for your situation . . . Typical American ethic . Where are YOUR responsibilities ?
Your rant is growing irksome .
Who the heck is going to pay YOU up front ?
Just go to the employment office and get in line . TYVM

You seem like a nice person , too bad you need a violin to accompany your song and dance . If a shareholder posted posts like you do , they'd be blown out of the water .

Like shareholders get told all the time by the bash/know-it-all element; it's over , move on , get a life , YOU took the risk , you should have known better , you have been paid quite enough by the investors , etc .
It's been a year ,,, haven't you found a new job yet ?
You are beginning to sound like that little flamer JackE Jettisoned .

I'm just sticking to the original statement;
Shareholders should have the same representation/protection as employees ."

I'll "blame anyone"??? "American ethic"??? MY "song and dance"??? I "took the risk"??? (My favorite) I have "been paid quite enough by the investors, etc."???????

Forget "where are you from", dude, HOW MUCH CRACK HAVE YOU BEEN SMOKING??? Everything you stated there is completely absurd. I blame, and always have blamed, two parties for the QTN situation - Team Lloyd Fan (your team, sir?) and Team Frank Olsen. That's it. Sorry if my "American ethic" of holding wrong-doing theives accountable bothers you. I sing in the car on occassion, but do not dance, sir (as for your implying I am somehow pulling a scam of some kind, f-you). I didn't realize there is a SALARY THRESHHOLD, after which it is no longer necessary to pay the employee if the business does not feel like it. You know what gets me about that one - THAT is exactly the type of rationale I picture from someone who scams investors and stiffs employees. They tell themselves it's okay, because we "made enough" already. I'll tell ya this, buck-o, I didn't make anywhere near what you think I made, certainly not enough to justify being stiffed on a month's pay. And sadly, U.S. Federal and California State law firmly disagrees with your economic theory of "you've been paid quite enough."

(Sighs at the stupidity) Again, why should I be surprised. Actually, one thing surprises me - that this didn't come from HappyBoyRock. I didn't realize there was room enough up Fan's ass for two croneys. LOL