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10/23/22 1:21 AM

#380124 RE: shajandr #380123

IIRC, they have another uncle (Steve or Steven?) who is (or was) living in the Las Vegas area. Odds are that Coyote owes him munny. I would nott be surprised if Coyote stashed the old NTGL game consoles from the Deano Martini wherehaus in Unkle Stevie‘s garage. He shure can‘t haus them in the 2 bed/2 bath relative‘s condo where he is currently couchsurfing in Sanna Zaye.

Coyote‘s long term housing is already taken care of for him. However, Lease-A and the kid will need a source of income and a place to flop. Perhaps Lease-A‘s fambly can let them use an attic or garage when Coyote goes away.

Coyote (in blue) and Jeffy (in red) meet in the quarter-finals of the autumn fights in their Travellers camp (1981)