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10/21/22 11:52 AM

#12784 RE: BRoberts1982 #12779

Except they aren’t putting ABM on their website as if it’s the ticker dumbo, they are putting it like that because it’s the abbreviation and it’s cleaner/looks nicer than typing out the whole name.
When people will talk about them, they will most likely say ABM
Instead of saying the whole dang name


10/22/22 10:46 AM

#12806 RE: BRoberts1982 #12779

BRoberts1982, respectfully, with BOXS New Name & Ticker...

Respectfully, I'm a little lazy right now so I'm not going to find the link or links to justify what I am about to tell you. I'll let you do the research to prove my thoughts to be wrong. Regarding the BOXS name and ticker changes...

It's fair for them to use ABM on their website as they are doing. It does not represent the ticker and could not represent the ticker even if they wanted it to represent such. OTC stocks are not allowed to have three characters for their stock symbol/ticker. They are only allowed to have four (five for special circumstances). So no, I suspect that they are not going to change what's on their website because they are not required to do so.

The stock that trades as ABM (ABM Industries, Inc.) does so because they are allowed to have three characters for such because they trade on the NYSE which is usually somewhat of a norm for stocks trading on that exchange. To add, the ABM stands for American Building Maintenance for that stock. The ABM, per how BOXS is using it on their website, stands for American Battery Materials, Inc.

The way in which how the acronym is being used 100% stands for something totally different and no change of action for the use is required. In my over 30 years of investing/trading, I have seen things of this nature numerous times and this is absolutely a nonissue. They are fine.



10/23/22 7:51 PM

#12823 RE: BRoberts1982 #12779

I think they got caught off guard and had to scramble. The name change was listed on here first and spread like wildfire.

Yes, the website is kinda punk. However, if you look closely, it is the same website with just a few new graphics. The night it was first disclose about the new name, the website didn't format correctly for an android phone. They had it fixed the next morning. So, I think they got caught off guard and did not want to release this for a few more days.

This ticker has quite a few people claiming to be or know insiders. Seems they are right in thier predictions more than not.