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DJ Ponder

10/19/22 2:23 PM

#131904 RE: VeronicaFox #131903

Now that there is some factual due diligence.
There have been so many called "bottoms" and "times to take a position" bullcrap to fill a book. The lowlife doing that crap only mentions the ones that actually did something worth talking about.
And talk is all it was .... the fraudster self appointed itself to genius status.
Lmfao nope no genius just another deceiver low life scumbag.

SPRV was called a “bottom” during the paid promo, i.e. as in We are at the bottom here. It’s easy to see, just research ‘bottom’ in May 2021, then search the historical prices:

Great follow up DD


10/19/22 3:22 PM

#131905 RE: VeronicaFox #131903

I don't remember all the claimed bottoms, nor do I really care to know all of them. I remember much discussion about 0.027, but some of the others I don't remember. I think just about at any price point, someone will declare a bottom, and they all aren't worth addressing. You are correct, the trajectory is clearly down, and there is significant dilution. I see 0.0003 now, but I would agree that 0.0001 is likely in the near future. It's hard to come to any other conclusion at the moment. At that point, a reverse split becomes more reasonable, though they might not go 1:1000. From an educational standpoint, watching the downward spiral of this company and stock is quite illuminating. Yet, if there was actual management that wanted to run a business, there were multiple opportunities to make it work, even on the way down. It seems Strickland isn't interested in making this an actual business, just in sucking the life out of this by dilution. Yes, I know that point was correctly made before the last reverse split. I guess he can keep this up until no one wants to buy the stock he issues.