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10/15/22 8:15 PM

#207625 RE: mfaphoto #207624

Did we signe anything today after all?


10/15/22 8:30 PM

#207626 RE: mfaphoto #207624

I hate stories like that. I dont remember the 3.50 each escapade so maybe you beat me out on how far back I went. I just remember when I had more hair and a brighter outlook on the future I owner her. That was many shots of tequila ago couched with bails of green gone turned to a dark brown. But it was exciting. A huge amount of dead space in the middle then life. I really thought we were on to greatness but never quite got where the compass pointed. I have been involved with so many pinkies tis but a laugh. I once grew 2k in to 65k in a matter of a couple months. I should stop there but I am not ashamed to say I then lost it and declared bankruptcy a year later during a crash of sorts. Since then I only play around with chump change because I realize more than anyone that most of this is luck and being in a good market. You mostly have to have both in addition to some basic skills of course. And I realize I am not that smart. My memories of taking the short bus are coalescing as we speak. I am kidding about the short bus but the rest is spot on. Anyway I truly hope NSAV does well. It will be just another slap in the face lesson from trading pinkies. Actually I get more excitement from it then a trip on bazoz cock rocket would give me. And d I probably have spent more than a front row seat on the same. Anyway, I hope to be back in in about a month.


10/16/22 1:56 PM

#207660 RE: mfaphoto #207624

weatherfuel, I hear ya. I lost a bunch of money on NSAV back when Saltrelli was the CEO. I also lost money in the dotcom crash. In all it came to about $80K. Never took deductions, so can write off some gains. Anyway, sorry to see you bail. I understand not wanting to lose anymore, but the way I looked at it when it was at .00257 was it came down from .05 and the juice had to be squeezed out of it and I still had faith in the long term plans of SBC. They will not let it fail. They have too much in it. Long term, I figured, I was good, so I hung on and never sold a share. In fact, I picked up about 300K. I'm now sitting on 1.3 million and will probably buy a few more tomorrow. I'm putting only money in that I can lose, which I don't think I will. In other words, I'm investing cash rewards from credit cards, which I consider free money. I believe my PPS is under 1.2 cents and it could break that very soon. IMO. By the way. I filed bankruptcy in 2010, paid it off in two years, and didn't miss a beat. I would not want to do that today. I have too much to lose.