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10/14/22 2:13 PM

#89725 RE: Frayed Knot #89724

That’s what I heard, repeatedly, how AWESOME Brad supposedly was. ALOL

Now Brad is thrown under the BUS, and instead it’s Mick who’s supposedly awesome. WAM SMH, I don’t fall for any of it. I’ve done my DD AND watched it from front row seats. It’s funny to watch, I just won’t be fooled by fake / false claims and altered PRs. SMH RME

Yet at the time Listermann was referred to as a breath of fresh air. Now Brad is evil, Mick is great. Everything that was claimed about Brad is shifted to Mick. Meanwhile ASTA is EM.

You NAILED IT Ms. Fox. Bradley was such an amazing man that couldn't do anything wrong... ahhh, those were the days...

but now... Little Brad is EVIL and TINY Mickey is the savior, what a freaking JOKE...

And as you say, meanwhile ASTA is EM ....

HMMM.. Me thinks Tiny Mickey ain't so grand and certainly NOT a savior..

Wonder how much money Tiny Mickey has pocketed in the last year?