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10/13/22 2:50 PM

#99212 RE: pdgood #99211

Presidents Adams, Lincoln, McKinley, and Nixon were all closet Kilcheskys. So was Steve McQueen and Dean Martin. The NWGC scam started under President McKinley and was secretly managed by a very young Joseph Wambaugh, Leroy Hoback, Jim Bolt, Yul Brenner, and Carl Yaztremski - all under false assumed names and fake Social Security cards. They changed fingerprints regularly and after the JFK CIA hit in 1963, hey changed their DNA too.

The House of Rothschild was and is really the House of Kilchesky. GEORGE SOROS is actually Geyorgi Kilchesky. Charlemagne was a Kilchesky. The Habsburgs ... yup, actually Kilcheskys. Mao Tse-Tung ... really Lee Kilchesky. Stalin ... yupper, Iosef Kilchesky. Hitler ... born Dolph Schickelgruber-Kilchesky. Changed his name in Vienna when telepathic waves from Saturn instructed him to do so. Ghengis (aka Chinghiss) Khan was Charlie Kilchesky.

STEVEN MOSKOWITZ ... birth name Stanley Mohammed Kilchesky.

JEFFREY DAHMER - born Gerald Winston Kilchesky.

BRITNEY SPEARS - she fully understands the crackpot idea that MARK MILLER is actually a Kilchesky. She is nott a Kilchesky (well, as far as she kws anyway), bu she knowss thousands of Kilcheskys in the music biz and at the psychiatric hospital.

Kilcheskys are everywhere man. The reptilian shape shifters.

Butt the really bigg secret ... the one that has nott been revealed yett on this board ... is that they are all Thetans. Yup, every last one of them. They invade peoples' brains and eat away at will. They are in there, man. Chomping on the last of the remaining grey matter - building more Kilcheskys.

'He's really a KILCHESKY, man. Take a few draws on the glass pipe and you too will see it.'

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10/13/22 3:16 PM

#99213 RE: pdgood #99211

LEE HARVEY OSWALD - a Kilchesky. As was JFK, RFK, Marty King, Lucky Luciano, SIRHAN SIRHAN, and John Connolly.

The hit squad on the Grassy Knoll - all Kilcheskys - every last one of them.

Queen Elizabeth II of England - went under the assumed names of Lisbeth Windsor and Lizzy Coburn-Saxe - ACTUAL real name: LaTawana Gertie KILCHESKY.

Pope John Paul II - Stanley Kilchesky.

MARK DAVID CHAPMAN - nott a Kilchesky but he shot and killed one (John Lennon aka Vladimir Illych Kilchesky).

It is all CONnected, man. One huge worldwide Kilchesky CONspiracy.

They even run all the Taco Cabanas and Whataburgers. And that is no shit, man. That is how these devious Thetans get into peoples brains and feast on grey matter.

COVID - yep, created by a Kilchesky.

BUZZ ALDRIN and NEIL ARMSTRONG - the first Kilcheskys on the Moon (well, we all know the Moon landings were faked on a soundstage in Burbank - all owned and CONtrolled by the Kilchesky Dynasty. BUZZ is really Willard Kilchesky and ARMSTRONG was Frederick Isaac Kilchesky. The ACTUAL Moon landings were done by other Kilcheskys, who then founded the secret Moon colony Kilcheskyville on the far 'dark' side of the Moon and then systemtically hollowed~OUTT the Moon (where else did you think all those asteroids and meteors came from - from inside the Moon - they had to gett rid of a lott of mass to hollow it ~OUTT and they had to dispose of it somehow). Inside the hollow Moon is the Kilchesky Obelisk. This is where the Thetans worship. Secretly and unobservable by non-Kilcheskys of course because, as we all know or ought to know, that is exactly how these devious Kilcheskys operate. You cannot trust these shape-shifting reptiles from Planet Kolob.