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10/11/22 3:17 PM

#17424 RE: a false profit #17423

Ha, I missed that article. Thanks for posting it.

I give Rep. Mooney credit for attempting to pass a bill through Congress that makes more sense than 99.9% of any of the other crap they push through in D.C. in any given year.

He deserves credit, but we all know it ain't got a snowball's chance in Hell of passing The Elites running the world monetary system haven't wanted sound money since they took the System OFF the gold standard. Going back on a gold standard would mean exactly what was stated in the article and would make the Banksters have to adhere to some actual rules, God forbid.

1) They now have no accountability when it comes to unlimited fiat creation.
2) There would be no way to fund the trillion dollar deficits when they buy bonds to fund the government, which would immediately send the U.S. into default.
3) The biggest reason is that the Banksters would have to disclose all records pertaining to redemptions and transfers in the 10 years preceding the temportary suspension of August 15, 1971 of gold redeemability obligations. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

In short, being responsible is not something these Assholes will ever be accused of and all the crooked politicians know it. The Scam will continue until it can't anymore. I'm actually surprised someone is still attempting to right the ship.


10/11/22 7:58 PM

#17426 RE: a false profit #17423

Good article. That Congressman has put forward several bills I consider good for stackers and sound money.