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10/05/22 8:29 AM

#84239 RE: Skiluc #84237

Did you mean this is going to be a rocket "ship" not "shit"? Freudian


10/05/22 8:38 AM

#84240 RE: Skiluc #84237

Thanks for the info breakdown
we truly have the goose that
can lay many high dollar eggs.
You mention dividends which is on
may long range radar - what’s your best guess
on a dollar amount that would be
reasonable considering the mines potential.


Richard Thomas

10/05/22 9:22 AM

#84242 RE: Skiluc #84237

They don't have 2 sides or the bottom yet so it could be 100 plus years.
Go team niocorp Go!!!

Demolition Man

10/06/22 11:28 AM

#84347 RE: Skiluc #84237

Hey "experts" on here who say "just let management continue to promote like we have been doing for the last 7-10 years"... how is that working for us??? Well, you see the stock price so what is that definition of insanity again??? How about we revisit the excellent post that Stark12 provided and really take it to heart!! $NIOBF needs an ALL OUT MEDIA MARKETING BLITZ LIKE STARK12 HAS REQUESTED!! I know a lot of older folks hate change....But stop complaining when things do not happen like you want then. "EVERYONE" who is a winner or likes to compete and likes to see a great return on you investment should be emailing, calling, texting, blogging, social media, ect...needs to get in touch with management A.S.A.P! NO complaining allowed if you just sit back and our stock does a reverse split from 11-1...NOW IS OUR TIME TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! PROMOTE THIS STOCK LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.


So, here is my bold recommendation to management. Invest a serious chunk of change, as in millions of dollars, on reaching/educating both the general public and institutional investors about Niocorp. I am talking television commercials, ad buys, tiktockers, instagrammers, YouTubers, influencers, and any other mediums where we can get the story out to. When people have finally heard about Niocorp and all the great things it is doing, and why it's a great company to be invested in, that's when the marketing campaign can be scaled back. Flash in the pan Fox interview, Proactive investor interviews that have no meaningful reach, videos on the website are all a drop in the bucket. Think big budget for marketing and advertising. How about a super bowl ad? The public knows more about foam mattresses, drugs to treat psoriasis, and personal care items like fancy razor blades and deodorant than they know about Niocorp. Is this a problem? Do you think people would rather learn about Niocorp or what brand of athletic shoes a celebrity endorses? Maybe we need to hire the people who market Figi water since they have successfully convinced so many people they should pay premium dollars for water. Why do so many people know about Figi water and those same people have never heard of Niocorp? Which has the potential to impact your life more?

It's time to tell the Niocorp story in enough detail that people can understand its value and impact. You see what a little exposure does? Imagine what a lot of exposure would do. It isn't enough to think big (although it's a start), you have to act big.