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10/01/22 10:58 AM

#425526 RE: livefree_ordie #425524

livefree_ordie: LOL, damn I didn't think it was possible, but you are as dumb as Trump. The people down in Florida have parked there electric cars next to there gas powered back ups. They are now getting around in there electric boats!!!!! I know its hard for a fucking republican, but think before you spout fucking republican Bull Shit!!!


10/01/22 11:21 AM

#425528 RE: livefree_ordie #425524

The one thing working in south Florida, electric vehicle's. Even my son who hates them was thankful when a few people showed up in electric pick up trucks to clean up the mess


10/01/22 12:47 PM

#425536 RE: livefree_ordie #425524

Welcome back. I'm sure I'm not the only one who posts here who likes to be reminded that I have critical thinking skills and that I'm not a blind ideologue who jumps to conclusions because I'm a science illiterate ass-hat.

Now, having partially listed your handicaps, let me pose the obvious. More eclectic cars are hybrids than not and not a few owners of all electric or hybrids retain a gas powered vehicle.

And of course people living in a hurricane area, or an electric grid challenged area like TX, are particularly cognizant of their vehicle needs.

Or, we can go with what the politicized cognitively challenged nitwits like you desire and shut down electric vehicle manufacturing facilities.

While we're at it let's dismantle wind and solar because *dead birdies and drill baby drill.

*feral cats and buildings kill far more birdies than do the blades.


10/01/22 2:23 PM

#425559 RE: livefree_ordie #425524

livefree_ordie, Posing as a point scorer on the long-term question of global warming by posting such shortsighted dribble is typical of you anti-climate clowns. Seriously, your

" I wonder how many folks plugged in their cars thinking they would still charge? Guess we all need fossil fuels hey. But not a
peepfrom the climate nut jobs about these facts called real life conditions. Oh well Walmart snd Amazon do not sell brains yet.

anti-science comments just make your dunce cap look larger.

Off that to a different tack: In one post back here, though still cluttered and still stuck
in misguided party-equivalence re the anti-democracy activity of election fixing

12yearplan, this is quite the link and article you have posted here if true it is a shocker to me that these folks are all out there behind the scenes providing funding to sources to attempt to make possible a certain outcome in our Free and Fair election process. Should the statements and people in this article be even half-way truthful that both sides of the aisle "R" and "D" take these actions to manipulate elections, then our Country is farther down the path to its own destruction if we continually allow such things to take place in our society. I am not sure where our Justice Department is with such information and what attempts they have made to stop there billionaires from attempting to influence elections and the process.

at least you indicated you could admit there was much you were not aware of. Much of very common practice, in fact. Much you have obviously missed. So it's good you now have the opportunity to catch up on the anti-democracy-election fixing mania going on in the USA today. Spend some time on the stuff around Trump and his enablers. See:

Trump’s Next Coup Has Already Begun
[...]For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support from their party’s national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft. Elected officials in Arizona, Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states have studied Donald Trump’s crusade to overturn the 2020 election. They have noted the points of failure and have taken concrete steps to avoid failure next time. Some of them have rewritten statutes to seize partisan control of decisions about which ballots to count and which to discard, which results to certify and which to reject. They are driving out or stripping power from election officials who refused to go along with the plot last November, aiming to replace them with exponents of the Big Lie. They are fine-tuning a legal argument that purports to allow state legislators to override the choice of the voters.

And on Cleta Mitchell - Lawyer Who Plotted to Overturn Trump Loss Recruits Election Deniers to Watch Over the Vote
[...]One concern is the group’s intent to research the backgrounds of local and state officials to determine whether each is a “friend or foe” of the movement. Many officials already feel under attack by those who falsely contend that the 2020 election was stolen.

Then dwell in - Supreme Court May Adopt Extreme MAGA Election Theory That Threatens Democracy .
Note the insert in that one. That's where i caught your post linked above.

One other of so many more you oughta get into instead of spending so much
time pontificating in error. And in that rubbishing the board and posters here.

Thanks, Mr. Reich. Spot on. He was in 2017, too -- Trump’s Plan to Neuter the White House Press Corps, and Neuter Our Democracy
"Democracy is under attack – and reporting that isn’t ‘violating journalistic standards’" . Always look into posts around.

livefree_ordie, At least in that post above of yours you showed what looked like a real concern at the extent of the severity of the GOP ant-democracy movement in the USA. And of your lack of awareness or it. And dump your habitual 'it's both parties and all politicians' bullshit. There is much to learn.

Try being free. You obviously haven't experienced it yet.


10/01/22 3:10 PM

#425565 RE: livefree_ordie #425524

last time I checked, gas pumps don't work without electricity either. Do you think the shit just magically comes from the ground and pumps into your vehicle?

Refineries also shut down with no power. Oil rigs also need it to operate. Of course it's kind of tough to operate any sort of vehicle when the storm surge has completely drowned it, but a smart guy like you would know that.