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09/30/22 12:53 PM

#13186 RE: JediMozart #13185

Jedi.. you bring up some very good points (cost of RE in CA, working from home, etc). The landscaping looks pretty well kept as well. It's a non-issue IMO.
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09/30/22 2:14 PM

#13187 RE: JediMozart #13185

JediMozart, Let me clarify the QNTA situation since you seem to have blinders on! Normally I and other investors could careless what a corporate headquarters look like if a public company was in compliance with the SEC. Every one realizes the products are not manufactured at this location, or at least we hope they aren't. The issues investors have is these guys have been silent for way too long! They have lost all credibility with the investment community. Is it right that investors are paying for the living quarters for Arthur and Grant, I don't think so! It's obviously with this long term silence, they have been running a scam. Just remember if you are Arthur or Grant, you are digging yourself in deeper with the federal government.
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09/30/22 9:45 PM

#13190 RE: JediMozart #13185

it’s Southern California- hello?!! The real estate prices are ridiculous...Because finances are clearly a concern why in the world would any one want them sitting in a lavish over priced property when literally most things today can be done with wifi and a lap top

wtf are these POS doing living in Southern California, beaching it up, on shareholder dime?

and wtf, where do they have to live for you to call it lavish? Newport, Rhode Island in the Vanderbilt's old mansion?

These POS refuse to work and be productive. They should be living under a rock. Even San Quentin would be too good for these a-holes.
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10/02/22 11:06 AM

#13195 RE: JediMozart #13185

JediMozart, Hopefully you have enjoyed the weekend! Yesterday, I saw your post in which was stated you were going to go silent. This is the same thing which QNTA did to the investment community. So many investors have lost major amounts of their investment due to the silence out of Arthur. Long term silence usually means in the investment world that some type of scam has take place. I have a feeling QNTA is using this approach so they are not held accountable right now for what they have done. I am sure they are using any revenue from the products to pay their food and living expenses. In a previous post, you had mentioned a rationalization for having the corporate office in a residents. Let me ask you this question? Should stock holders / investors being paying for Arthur and Grants living expenses! I am sure they are sleeping and eating at the location listed as the Corporate Headquarters. I seriously don't feel they have taken any steps to sell what is left of the company. I think Arthur would rather let it go under than let somebody else have control! This is why the SEC needs to step in and delist the company. They also need to press criminal charges against everyone who has been involved with this fraud. Simply, they need to go to prison for the fraud they have committed. It's hard to believe you or PennyWorld would try to justify their actions. They have stolen money from all of us. Their silence just confirms their scam.