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Frayed Knot

09/29/22 6:50 AM

#123600 RE: billytbone #123594

Dang! I had to leave so I missed the .0006s printing.

I see that .0007 was the close.....

Life is looking good.

BUT I am very angry that I missed the .0006s print after I was so happy to see them on the bid first thing in the AM.

Oh well, watching .0005s print will be fun.... then .0004.... then .0003..... then .0002... then .0001.... .... then .00001....... but maybe NO BID before then....

Wonder if the .0005s will happen today? It could happen.

Usually when Petey gets on a roll, he keep rolling... DOWNHILL..... haahahahahahha

Quick question... How big was the SELL COL yesterday? It was pretty nice when I left but I think it got A LOT FATTER! . bummer......kidding! ahahahahahaha

Frayed Knot

09/29/22 11:17 AM

#123603 RE: billytbone #123594

I see that .0006s have printed and are on the BID .. AGAIN today..

I also see that the B/A started with .0006/.0008 but the the person making the trade DID NOT WANT to pay .0008... so went with .0007s....

Really should've stayed with .0006s ....

Nice to see the flippers are back in today... lots of .0007s trading.

The assumption is .0007s are safe....

Gosh, what if that was a bad strategy???

has been in the past, remembering 2014 when Petey was going for the really big P&D ....
April 2014 - .0007s... July .0003s