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The Cheap Investor

09/27/22 1:45 PM

#239329 RE: wash3 #239327

Take all the reasons you stated and take them to the store and try to buy a gallon of milk. Also, if you notice, there have been no reports of stain remover sales in a long period of time. Plus sales of stain remover were down in the last quarter. With high inflation, people are going to buy a cheaper product than our stain remover because even though the stain remover which I have tried, is very good, it has no name recognition. Also on the wine product, the price is $9.00 a can, with no name recognition. Middle-class workers are not going to spend $9.00 on a drink they may not even like. The wine product may be as good as the stain remover, but without an advertising campaign to promote both products, they will never see an increase in market share, and if I am right in this conclusion, how can the price of the stock increase? If you check, HADV, which produces the wine, has dropped from eleven cents to 0.0009.
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09/27/22 3:00 PM

#239339 RE: wash3 #239327

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09/27/22 4:47 PM

#239342 RE: wash3 #239327

Quite Weak. Imho. Full of forward learning statements of things that may or may not happened, most cases no evidence of them remotely starting, or in existence, one could argue inaccuracies, wave flagging opinions.
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09/28/22 11:56 AM

#239352 RE: wash3 #239327

LMFAO that entire bullet point list represents nothing but RED FLAGS!

The very first bullet point claims this CEO supposedly cares about shareholders for example!

That's the exact same bs that was claimed for years and years about the 1st crop of WNBD shareholders that Eric insisted for years he was supposedly NEVER GOING TO SACRIFICE...yet proceeded to crucify completely with his MASSIVE 500 to 1 reverse split that wiped out their entire monies invested in WNBD completely! And not only did he destroy them...he immediately proceeded to blow smoke up their collective butts that he had only wiped them out because he was supposedly being "noble" (his words) and supposedly had to reverse split because he was going to uplist lmfao! Yet despite foolishly trying to pass off his massive reverse split as a good thing because he was supposedly pursuing an uplisting...all he really factually did was immediately begin diluting the post reverse split share structure from .05 cents down to no bid while to this day never once following through on his HOGWASH promises/claims made about supposedly filing 2 years worth of fully audited financials or doing his supposed "noble" uplisting to the OTCQB!

Annnnd, as if the CEO raising the A/S by 2B shares to make room for more dilution was supposedly only by result of the shareholders requesting it, come on lmfao!

Those 2 first points alone are beyond laughable without even addressing the rest of the silly bullet points but I'll gladly do so if you'd like me it's only been 18 months and counting of never-ending GT tweets pumped out...yet WNBD doesn't even have the court receiver official sign off on any GT assets listed in the court receivership process that still hasn't even been officially executed despite the receiver signing off on it way back on May 4th lmfao...rendering all those GT bullet points total and complete non-factors to any factual or real WNBD valuation metrics whatsoever, which is why there's nothing from the never ending GT court receivership saga even factually on WNBD's financials as to any monies paid by WNBD to GT for GT assets:)