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09/24/22 12:35 PM

#51270 RE: Homebrew #51269

Thanks for your thoughtful enlightenment.


09/25/22 9:44 AM

#51273 RE: Homebrew #51269

Forgot to say “facts matter” and “Lol”.


09/25/22 8:39 PM

#51274 RE: Homebrew #51269

If you follow the money, you will figure out it's much more than that.

Half the money they collect goes to themselves, that's what you have picked up on.
The other half of the money goes to contractors, that's also known, it's in the EDGAR filings.

What isn't well known is all the contractors have a common denominator, it is possible to trace the ownership back, it goes to one company, one man. And that one man is the man behind the curtain... and it's not John Brown nor anyone currently working at Zion Oil.

It is amazing to me people will put up money, big money, for a cause without bothering to do a simple internet search on the parties involved.