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09/22/22 8:34 PM

#424645 RE: BOREALIS #424622

Updated. "It’s Just Fraud All the Way Down" "The Art of the Steal" "It's a witch hunt"


Got him

See also screws tightening

I like how the 11th circuit questioning why the case is not being heard in the jurisdiction that the warrant was issued. As close as I have ever heard judges on the bench actually come down on judge shopping during an appeal. They usually have a fairly unified front on such things, but it is so blatant that even the shitgibbon-appointed judges are calling it out. ..
.. and in reply ..
His lawyers must see a flashing yellow on perjury ahead.

So much for the idea Trump is any sort of Chosen One. Last minute update ..

Dearie asks Trump lawyers whether they believe FBI lied about seized documents
Order by Mar-a-Lago special master is the first time Donald Trump’s attorneys have been asked to confirm or deny his claims in court
By Perry Stein September 22, 2022 at 4:05 p.m. EDT