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09/22/22 12:58 PM

#165462 RE: Riverheaddaddy #165461

While yes, I completely agree with you. Would love to see Whales come in.


Whales typlically don't deal with OTC
and OTC Companies really do not care about OTC stockholders. Their first and main interest SHOULD be getting the company off the ground, regardless of how they do it. because in the end, what the company does will will directly affect their outcome. If RS so can uplist to get better investors with deeper pockets.

I'm just speaking from a realistic standpoint and putting myself in their shoes. If I wanted my company to be successful, then i will do what I need to make it successful. They will never see, meet or talk to most of us.

....and yes, I hope i'm wrong on all of this.


09/22/22 3:57 PM

#165467 RE: Riverheaddaddy #165461

Heading to trips, just unreal

Sorry CBDD

Good Luck Everyone Go CBDD


09/22/22 4:19 PM

#165468 RE: Riverheaddaddy #165461

Sad sad days in the stock market big boards and stink pinks.

All I can say, sell if you have to, with luck things will turn around.

Okay I’m done crying today.

It’s Friday tomorrow, ouch this could hurt.