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09/22/22 10:20 AM

#1101 RE: Gnarlyman #1100

Until Jesus returns with a reward in one hand and a whip in the other.


09/23/22 10:40 AM

#1103 RE: Gnarlyman #1100

The BRICs nations will destroy the USD. Saudi Arabia joined! The Saudi’s created our petroleum dollar when we got off the gold standard back in 1973. We had a good run. That’s the twist of the knife. Wait till the worlds dollars are thrown back onto our shores. Inflation has to go above 25% for years. The Vatican called in all their assets by Sept 30th. Weird!
Printing 40% of our money supply in one year continues tge massive debt ridden backed US currency. No one wants our dollar.
And who allowed our manufacturing to be exported? Why the hell are we importing food? I just finished flying powerline inspection for the Southern company. We have so much land and water. A carpet of pine trees from Dallas to Savanah.
They want to destroy this economy snd rise up a new vision for America from the ashes. Socialism. They want war, they love war. I’m too old to go back in but got two in college. What will their kids America look like?

GEO is managing jails around the world. That’s money in the bank if Dems win in Nov. Dems just passed big cop funding and the IRS has a new army. Conservative are terrorist?
They want to have total control over us as they fly over in their private jets.

Nat gas is still a no brainer and it’s related shipping. Short term.

I load silver too. Silver has more uses and less of it. Turkey is buying like mad physical gold. Gold supplies are gone. All this paper gold can be whipped out in a snap. So be careful what your buying. Have it delivered to your home.
I still think we see Gold above $30k and silver close behind.

Stock market, home values, and the dollar will suffer.
Get out of all variable rate debt. And vote conservative.

Next two years will be hell. Gaslighting at its best. But they got to dump Biden. He’s not conning anyone. Talk about a limp noodle. Embarrassing.

Really keep an eye on the BRICS nations. They are taking g on the London Bullion manipulation. London is a house of cards. They have no physical metals. Maybe the dead Queen is time to expose that scam.

Gas will go up After the election.

I’ve been thinking about a few Mexican silver mines that are dirt cheap and have millions of oz in the ground.

The key collapse is when they out law Cryptos like Canada did.
Force us into their own. I predict, it gets rejected within 5 min. They might even out law gold. DC gets burned to the ground then.

Be very careful leaving Any cash in your local bank other than enough to buy food and bills. Get the rest out. Put it in some thorn other than dollars. They can evaporate funds in your checking account in a snap. Hold some physical cash and metals snd a few guns.

By Spring of next year we will know.

Big push going on that Vanguard and black rock types can no longer vote proxy for its individual share holders. And limit the amount of stock thy can dump in day. They have too much power.

Putin is going to get Ukraine, or parts he wants. Odesa is his prize, North Ukraine he doesn’t care.,I got family in Czech Republic. They hate the Ukrainian people arrogant welfare mentality. Blew my socks off hearing that. Flooding the boarders in new range rovers and American dollars.
Taiwan is the key. China is still ashole. Gir only knows the drama that will drag us in. Americans need to vote on that now.
Putin is going to get Ukraine. China is going to get Taiwan. America should throw down and conquer Venezuela. F’k it. Invade and clean house. Continue North to Texas. That’s just me.,

Germany is bankrupt Japan is on thin ice too. This winter is going to be brutal. By Thanksgiving it could be ugly.