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09/21/22 12:50 AM

#17417 RE: 1972 #17416

Last I checked, 5 zeros proceeded a 1 ... AKA...... .000001 (current price of an STSC share) ..... Is there a better time to send the hounds out to investigate any wrong doing?? .... Allow me to answer ..... YES!!! .... 2018 is a long time from 2022/2023. This is just their date of serious delinquency. I beg to differ, .... if truly foul play was in place, the SEC would have been on to 'the scam' long before 2022/2023. Am I placing too much faith in our GOVERNMENT??? .... a.k.a, the watchdogs of all that is right, good, and equal???? .... WOW, the playing field has changed since I was born over 50 years ago.