I don't think its intentional. Perry left this company with nearly a million in notes to pay off. Plus I suspect that the CEO gets paid and they're paying something to Perry each quarter I'm thinking that resulted from the takeover.
One thing for sure, without news this will keep falling. And if it falls to 3 it will have to more than triple just to get back to where the stock was when news was put out re the takeover.
Newbs on display at the company I guess, although we're told that news of a "value proposition" is coming soon - whatever the heck that means lol.
seems that way. i looked at the last filing and there was no revenue from selling the fraser claims. it looks like they were given away. my friend knows the gold chaser and they didnt even get the claims but nbri hasnt revealed any info on the new co that did. i still believe they will announce a new direction away from mining. probably when they roll back.