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09/17/22 9:09 AM

#1496 RE: tooltimetim #1495

While the stock was evaporating gains, Toad the wet sprocket was selling shares like a demon. Blamed it on the CEO lmao
Like card board cut outs at a board room table can do anything with toad


09/17/22 9:45 AM

#1497 RE: tooltimetim #1495

A carnival barking flim flam man IMO. The preferred dividend was the clearest indication of a perpetual screw job to longs. Touting a dividend to Nile shareholders, all the while setting up his personal preferred shares cash flow account. Now justifying an increase in authorized to prevent a take over?? Lmfao.. Him and corporate,bought up enough shares, and with the remaining authorized, there's no threat. So that's a big dog pile.
One of the worst investments I've made. If I knew about his past in the otc, as you've said, I would have never gotten in here.


09/19/22 9:49 AM

#1498 RE: tooltimetim #1495

It isn't against Ihub rules to post the ticker names of the apparent scams and evidence. You using words like apparently is very vague. Why isn't anyone posting these OTC pink scams tickers and evidence here to stop future possible shareholders from buying? Or is this part of the shorting team trying to get people to sell with accusations with no evidence? I would prefer being elaborate rather then beating around the bish personally. NILE