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09/15/22 10:23 AM

#423712 RE: brooklyn13 #423708

The lifeblood of America is immigration, sure there should be a procedure, but Republicans are always afraid that any new immigration will take away from their voting base.

America was founded by immigration, this country was built on the backs of immigrants who came here, worked hard, did jobs that most Americans would not do, and for wages that were sub-par.

America does great when these same immigrants have children who grow uip to be educated American's who are now ready to take their place in the American economy and contribute.

I am watching a business that has been here for 30 years, just a small type of sandwich and lunch place that has done great for the past 40 years. But now the owners' children are educated and doing very professional jobs. and did not come into the business. He keeps it open but he cannot hire enough people at $ 15.00 an hour to keep it going, they leave for better jobs. I wish these immigrants that are being bused to various cities by the dumb shit Governor of Texas should be allowed to work, given a chance to get a driver's license, and assisted in settling in the area.

They would be happy to many jobs in America, but republicans keep preventing them.


09/15/22 12:39 PM

#423737 RE: brooklyn13 #423708

Hmmm. You may have something there. For every maga/nazi/nutjob on social networks and every j6 sedition sentence, send the nutjob to another country for a one to one swap. A productive person who wants to work and support themselves and their adopted nation exchanged for a damaged mentally deficient freeloading loser.