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09/13/22 6:09 PM

#45680 RE: rich2 #45679

MXSG is a failure. They have wasted tens of millions of dollars on a property that contains no economically recoverable gold.

That is NOT the accepted method of gold mining. This has been a disaster, at best, and an outright insider enrichment scheme, or fraud, at worst.

There is nothing positive about Mexus or what they have done to date. NOTHING.

I suggest that instead of looking at the pretty pictures on the Mexus website, you instead spend the time learning the basics about gold mining. Even a short course of basic instruction will demonstrate, without a shadow of a doubt, where Mexus went wrong. And, why Mexus has no hope of recovery.


09/13/22 6:39 PM

#45681 RE: rich2 #45679

you say everything is a lie, MXSG website, for 10 years is a lie-

No, did not say that. Please don't misquote me.

I said they are proven liars.....would you like to go through the lies? We can do that, if it would help. Beginning with the big lie that first attracted my attention in late 2016 - the deceptive (and fraudulent, IMO) way that Mexus/PT presented the Argo drill data.

A picture of a leach pad on a website is not, by itself, a lie. So no, not everything on the website is a lie. But what kind of investor puts money into a company based on dozens and dozens of pictures, many without a caption or a date? A pretty unsophisticated investor, that's who. Legit companies post real information - technical reports, production data, drill maps, geological maps, cross-sections, and so on. Mexus.....not so much.