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09/10/22 4:02 PM

#206294 RE: jack7377 #206293

Some of your facts are correct, but I hope some of your conclusions are wrong. While Yuen Wong has not tweeted anything original regarding NSAV for a while and he does seem focused on GameFi at the moment, he did in fact retweet two of the Aug 31 NSAV tweets that discussed SRAX and MD Global. His Twitter handle also lists: CEO @labsgroupio, M/Partner @BitMartExchange, Director @NSAVTech, and Blockchain Projects: Investor/Advisor. If Wong were part of some NSAV 'scam', I doubt he would proudly display the fact he's a director at NSAV. He is involved with large, legitimate businesses in the crypto/blockchain world and has a solid reputation. In any case, let's just allow this NSAV story to unfold and see where it takes us.


09/11/22 8:47 AM

#206296 RE: jack7377 #206293

Yes poke the bear, haha..