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01/03/23 10:10 AM

#148356 RE: drwright68 #148337

No, Not At All, LOL! Why would anyone with right mind buy this Dangerous & TOXIC Non-Reporting Expert Market ZERO-Asset Empty-Shell Pos Scam ($0 asset) at ridiculous high market value $2.3M ~ $2.5M or at the Hyper-Inflated incredible high price $0.0001 while one can easily buy a Much-Much-Much-Better-OTC-tier Fully-Reporting Pink-Sheet Operational Real-Business peer (such as PBHG: $1.8M Huge asset) at Much-Much-Much-Lower market value --- mere $1.3M MV at current ridiculous low price $0.0003?

Based on the valuation match, buying SEEK at its recent high 0.0028 = buying its peer at 0.0293 which is 5.33 Times of its recent high 0.0055 or 97.67 Times of its current ridiculous low price 0.0003!

Buying SEEK at current ridiculous high price 0.0001 = buying its peer at 0.0011 which is 5.5 Times of its incredible low Bottom 0.0002 or 3.67 Times of its current ridiculous low price 0.0003!

So, SEEK is Much Much Much Much Much More EXPENSIVE than its peer now because a Pink-Sheet Fully-Reporting Huge-Asset Operational Real-Business stock has Much-Much-Much-Higher Valuation than a Super Risky Expert-Market Non-Reporting Empty-Shell!

Therefore I'm liquidating my SEEK position now then use all the cash proceeds to buy its peer at Super Cheap 0.0003 ~ 0.0011 in order to recover my Huge losses from the Endless Super-Heavy-Dilution Pos Scam SEEK...
