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09/05/22 3:08 PM

#731051 RE: Patswil #731050

Nice comeback Patswil!


09/05/22 3:08 PM

#731052 RE: Patswil #731050



09/05/22 3:16 PM

#731053 RE: Patswil #731050

Meaningless now just as is was almost a year ago. POTUS Trump, Mnuchin and Calabria could have released them. They did not. As a matter of fact, that administration continued to take more money from the GSEs pushing them further and further into debt. Rinse and repeat, letter has no significance, eazy peazy. ;-)


09/05/22 7:00 PM

#731058 RE: Patswil #731050

Over target...thats a tee d up everything scotus asked 4.
If we only knew what Trumps administration would have done?

Brooge warrants cancelled

09/05/22 7:07 PM

#731059 RE: Patswil #731050

still dont get why he didnt do shit when he had the chance

I dont want to hear he couldnt fire watt, Trump would fire anyone in the world if he wanted

Release us

09/06/22 12:27 AM

#731080 RE: Patswil #731050

Mic drop!

Wise Man

09/07/22 12:13 AM

#731182 RE: Patswil #731050

You aren't doing any favor to Trump, posting his letter.
He faces charges of fabricating evidence, because the Justice said "had the president made a statement", not that now Trump, as civilian, has to make a statement.
It was submitted in court by the corrupt attorney for Berkowitz, Thompson, to claim damages, which, in turn, are based on the securities fraud violations of FnF. Because he claims a damage caused by a FHFA unconstitutional, as it prevented Trump from firing Watt sooner and approve the SPSPA amendment Calabria-UST, that he mistakenly asserts is allowing FnF to recapitalize, when that's a big lie. The Retained Earnings are wiped out when the SPS increased for free are debited from the Retained Earnings account. Currently FnF aren't posting this offset, because they aren't recording these SPSs since 2018.
So, there aren't damages and Trump is participating in this scam in the U.S. courts.

We are dealing with the Communist Mafia, under the orders of Russia and China.