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09/03/22 7:35 PM

#730909 RE: Golfbum22 #730900

What is your split? As far as percentage.
What broker account?

I switched over like a frightened school girl.
Little at first and was in fear when I sold some that funds would be on hold for a few days, but I guess even though it is OTC, my other holdings act as collateral and the money was instantly available. I do have a margin account in E-Trade and TDAmeritrade. Worked for me in both.

I figure switch over if you can and little at first to test the waters. Maybe even call first and ask. It's not like I had major position to switch like a whale, but still was nervous. They both are so liquid, it was an easy switch.

Little at a time with a limit order just below bid to make sure it sells. Then calculate and put a limit order above the ask. Went right through. Even with commissions, I ended up with more shares after the switch. I guess the day I did it FNMA was 2 pennies higher than FMCC, so I ended up with more.

I hope that helps.
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09/03/22 9:19 PM

#730917 RE: Golfbum22 #730900

I'm split approx 250k shares FNMA/FMCC. Keeping my FNMA in case this ends up like Collins/SCOTUS ruling, a class action can still be filed under the FNMA shares. I have a feeling there is a deeper reason also as to why FNMA commons is not included in this class... It is stupidly easy to have had FNMA included yet no one with the financial means was tripping over each other to do that....why?

One scenario that keeps going on at the back of my mind is FMCC being released using this case and maybe the ROOP (sp?) Case as catalysts to do so. Put back in public hands. But FNMA, I am worried may go utility to compete with FMCC. a good way to kneecap and control a publicly released freddie is by having a bigger fannie controlled by the crooks in DC. I'm not saying that's what's going to happen, but a scenario that could play out. It might be why no big investor in FNMA tagged onto this class action. I realize the fannie prefs are part of the class, so kind of doesn't make sense unless the commons and the warrants are how the DC cartel is planning on the full nationalization via a utility for FNMA. If you can buyoff the largest shareholders into not going class action on this current case, smaller holders like myself do not have the financial where withall to financially back a solo joining of the class most likely. You'd be on the hook for probably 100's of thousands, if not millions for the attorney's.
So, something fishy going on is still my perspective.

If FNMA does a group class action later or suit to challenge the warrants, sure, I'd join and contribute what I can.
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09/04/22 6:06 PM

#730968 RE: Golfbum22 #730900

I’m completely in Fmcc . Sold all my Fannie to buy more shares of Freddie.