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09/01/22 1:45 PM

#730674 RE: jog49 #730657

Great analogy, oh wise one! Gov knows how to manipulate jurors.


09/01/22 1:52 PM

#730675 RE: jog49 #730657

more than likely the defense will not put anyone on the jury who had lost money in the market, ever. it may end up where they have no clue what is going on and just judge based on best story or angle they can understand. on the flip side, most everyone feels government has gone off the rails, and may just side against them if anything presented looks anything like a government fleece job. it would be hard to miss hundreds of billions ripped off from taxpaying investors. Government has its work cut out trying to hide or lie about facts.


09/01/22 1:54 PM

#730676 RE: jog49 #730657

you mean if it doesn't fit, you must quit ? all those emails, all those narrative of dying company , all those made up losses. lol. jurors should know that even the auditors are corrupt and have settled, let alone fhfa making up stuff.