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08/27/22 10:55 PM

#730197 RE: navycmdr #730192

Hamish will present the deposition of Susan McFarland

prior CFO of Fannie who TOLD the GOVT (Paulson) STRAIGHT OUT

"WE ARE OK - WE DON'T NEED the MONEY - WE HAVE 18 months of CASH ! "

no explanation needed to Jury - THIS WAS a GOVT STICK UP !

Gary Hindes ...

During the height of the 2008 financial crisis, the Bush Treasury engineered the takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It claimed they were teetering on bankruptcy and needed to be put into ‘temporary’ conservatorship so as to avoid a major collapse of the economic system.1 This “big lie” has been repeated for years, but it turns out to have been just that: a big lie.2 Through over a dozen years of ongoing litigation, angry shareholders who saw their investments in the companies vaporize overnight obtained thousands of pages of government documents, including emails between the major players at Treasury and the Bush White House. (Getting the documents was like pulling teeth: they were only produced under court order.) Those documents make clear that neither Fannie nor Freddie needed a rescue and that the real purpose of the takeover was to use the companies to soak up toxic mortgages from the big banks which were groaning under their weight. Indeed, it wasn’t a bailout; it was a stick-up


If I may add this was an intentional orchestrated stick up which took all FNFs profits in order to fund Obamacare at the time whom could not get funding from Congress to fund Obamacare.

They had to steal the money from somewhere so they decided to take all monies from the twins thinking nobody was looking.
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Wise Man

08/28/22 12:44 AM

#730200 RE: navycmdr #730192

Ou! You don't know that CASH isn't part of the bailout dynamics.
FnF tapped the UST for Net Worth or Equity (SPS) when it was negative, not because they needed the corresponding cash.
FnF have always had tones of cash.
If you have been chosen only to promote here the corrupt plaintiffs' judicial diatribe in court, we can guess what type of jurors will be chosen too.
Everything is staged.
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08/28/22 1:17 AM

#730202 RE: navycmdr #730192

100% agree
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08/28/22 3:03 AM

#730208 RE: navycmdr #730192

All the jury needs to see are the Gary Hindes articles, plain & simple to understand.
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08/28/22 3:21 AM

#730209 RE: navycmdr #730192

Under three Secretaries during three
Administrations, Treasury has been lying.

• It lied about why it took over Fannie
and Freddie in 2008.
• It lied about the reason for imposing
the net worth sweep in 2012.
• And it is lying today about Fannie and
Freddie owing it $193 billion.

Treasury’s conduct has been utterly immoral.

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08/28/22 10:36 AM

#730220 RE: navycmdr #730192

Gary Hindes should be called as a witness!