So tell what remains pending for BioAmber Inc? Kindly put up a link that shows anything pending for BioAmber Inc. The CA doesn’t count as we know the insurance paid and not even a peep from BioAmber then or since the last 8k was put up.
So are you with IE that LCY bought the shares or it’s still BioAmber and for some reason the decided to not tell the shareholders about it. They didn’t tell the creditors or the judges or the SEC or Delaware about any of this. BioAmber hasn’t filed anything since 2018. If the shares sold it would have been announced right away and shareholders would have been informed. There is no way around telling the shareholders, judge, creditors, Delaware and the SEC. IT would be public knowledge. The it was said that the class action was strategically used. It was also said to go “but it’s clear we need the class action to end. Some of us think it goes bang-bang, case closed then corp action event w/ the shares.” So what is it. Is it fraud, is BioAmber alive and hidden from the world or did LCY buy the shares but not tell a single living soul or are the judges, creditors, SEC, PWC, LCYB and Visolis all keeping it a secret? A secret that hasn’t had one story leak in almost 4 years?