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08/25/22 2:01 AM

#78478 RE: ANTI-BAGHOLDER #78447

How funny that Nathan is a scum bag like Matt Dwyer when Nathan was helping his cousin who happens to own a NASCAR Team take his construction company public and was recruited to bring in his private oil company after he showed Matt Dwyer that he has over $800,000 dollars in is a private company account.

Nathan was promised $500,000 thousand dollars to assume the company's debt and roll in his private oil company in one transaction and in another transaction, Nathan rolled his construction company that had $2,000,000 million dollars a year on the books and after catching Matts lies he rolled it out.

After Matt Dwyer was paid $330,000 dollars from Nathan and was reported in Matt Dwyer's financials Nathan was never paid his $500,000 and Matt stole his oil concept and tried to call Nathan's oil drilling contractor Jon Malis and steal Nathan's project.

Nathan catches Matt forging his name electronically and clearing over 20 million shares with Broadridge TA, Nathan challenges it with Broadridge and Broadridge TA settles out of court with a Hold Harmless Agreement.

Nathan invested all his own money and never took any investors' funds other than 11k from two people to pay the company's OTC bills and Nathan is a scum bag for not dumping the shareholders and trying to help shareholders after getting defrauded by Matt Dwyer.

Now, Nathan sells the majority shares and the control block to Frank Ottaviani and Frank makes Nathan a lot of promises and then wants to not pay him for the reduced purchase of the company after he rips off Richard Johnson for $25k broker fee.

Nathan was good enough to still pay Richard $10k out of his money after his buddy Frank Ottaviani ripped him off.

By the way, all of this is public record online listed in all the PRs and filling.

So it seems as if Good Guys do get screwed