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08/18/22 10:13 AM

#37297 RE: cowtown jay #37293

I appreciate your opinion and how you laid this out but for one thing:

I do fault management for their stated de-prioritization of lenz for covid, when they also state they are working with NIH on the further analysis of the ACTIV-5 trial data

I think this is exactly what they should be doing and they are telling us to keep us informed. Think about it…. Car-T was the original focus but when covid came along, trials and other work on everything came to a halt. BUT, Low and Behold, Lenz works well on one of the main covid problems: cytokine storm that destroys the patient’s own tissues. So rightfully, instead of sitting and twiddling fingers, management got right to work and it could be said the original focus was de-prioritized and covid work was prioritized. NOW, not only can we run the original necessary trials, but with limited funds, we cannot run more covid trials at the same time. So, I appreciate the clarity of what they are doing and where they are spending the limited resources. They do not at all mean they are stopping work on covid, they are just going back to spending more money on the original focus and much less on covid. imo