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08/17/22 8:08 PM

#421452 RE: livefree_ordie #421450

ok roughneck, where else are you going to plant your flag?

I got news for you. Nobody gives a fuck about Nebraska politics. Out of the twelve people that live there that have an opinion, it doesn't matter in the larger scheme of things.

Now I don't want to be bad to the good 25 people who live in Nebraska but in my opinion you're fucked.


08/17/22 8:54 PM

#421456 RE: livefree_ordie #421450

You mistake principled opposition for hatred because the right needs to think in apocalyptic terms.

How can you not see where the real hatred is being directed from, on 1/6 and continuing through the demonization of the FBI?

Easy call, Liz Cheney will be around long after the orange treason weasel is removed from our political life.

GA will nail him first, for the phone call, and the DOJ will follow for both the insurrection and the document shell game.


08/17/22 10:09 PM

#421462 RE: livefree_ordie #421450

livefree_ordie: Funny, you and all Fucking republicans never but never talk about the hate Trump has and put's out in every tweet!!!!


08/17/22 11:11 PM

#421465 RE: livefree_ordie #421450

livefree_ordie, Liz Cheney is not obsessed by anyone. Unlike Trump and the many conservatives his lies have seduced and captured, Cheney is not even close to being hate-filled. She simply correctly and courageously sees Trump's build-up to Jan. 6 and the events of the day itself as a danger to the America she has been proud to serve. And she sees Trump's relentless positions of falsifications and misinformation since as a ever-present and future danger to America's democratic republic as it was before Trump's wrecking machine took hold of the GOP.

blackhawks' reply to you was as per usual spot on ..
"You mistake principled opposition for hatred because the right needs to think in apocalyptic terms.
P - How can you not see where the real hatred is being directed from, on 1/6 and continuing through the demonization of the FBI?
P - Easy call, Liz Cheney will be around long after the orange treason weasel is removed from our political life.
P - GA will nail him first, for the phone call, and the DOJ will follow for both the insurrection and the document shell game."

Shaping events as you do to fit your ideological perspective of the times is damaging to you. And to your United States. You should take notice of blackhawks' little red pill there. It is a small dose of reality. For a bit more, in case you miss it, see:

"soulless and selective" .. yup. Kushner to a T-for similar Trump. The Time photo sure does look like a sim ..

AND, hookrider's again, most always seriously clear-headed and forthright:
livefree_ordie: Funny, you and all Fucking republicans never but never talk about the hate Trump has and put's out in every tweet!!!!

AND sortagreen's :
Liz Cheney won that primary with 73% of the vote two years ago.
P - The only thing that changed is that Liz Cheney wouldn't suck Donald Trump's dick, while the rest of you were lining up to do so.
P - Donald Trump will be dead and gone in a few years, and hopefully so will most of you, but the rest will be stuck with what you've grown. You'll have knocked off your party heavyweights in favor of a party of Marjorie Taylor Greenes, Matt "the molester" Gaetzs, Jim "rapist enabler" Jordans, dropout Boeberts and Palins... along with your usual assortment of white supremacists and elderly gay men like Ms. Graham and your local nonagenarian friend.

All spot on. All healthy little red pills for you, if you have the curiosity and the courage to seriously consider them.


08/18/22 1:31 PM

#421476 RE: livefree_ordie #421450

Your party is so fucked up that it even makes Darth Cheney look good. Liz is a conservative, but she is doing something that the rest of you fools can't even recognize.... which is doing the morally right thing.

You asked for it. Here's why the rest of us know you and your GOP ilk are fascist tyrants...
* You have no qualms about forcing any woman to remain pregnant and have a child, much less a 10 year old rape victim.
* You're happy to see women's rights taken away, and would condemn young men to 18 years of child support for a one night stand.
* You, and the party you support, would curtail all of our reproductive rights by eliminating contraceptives.
* You encourage neighbors to spy on, and rat on, neighbors who assist someone to get an abortion.
* You're party has been waging a war on, and whipping up hate against, trans gender people to court their fundamentalist base.
* You're OK with your party's appeals to racists by suppressing minority voters.
* You support a man who used white nationalist storm troopers to try to overthrow our government and keep him in power, and would reward him for doing so by voting for, and supporting him and his supporters again.
* Multiple xenophobic and antisemitic policies and statements under Trump have inspired a record number of hate crimes in the past several years.
* Your party blindly follows a leader who has committed multiple crimes, cheated dozens of people he's done business with or taken loans from, and has spouted over 30,500 lies during the 4 years he was president.
* You trust him and your party for medical and scientific advice over medical and science professionals.
* You ban words and books and prosecute teachers for saying things, or teaching things, on your forbidden subjects list in classrooms.
* You promote suspicion of news media and government institutions.
* You incite hate against the FBI and CIA and all federal law enforcement agencies that you don't control.
* You have a propaganda channel devoted to electing your candidates and shaping your policies which invents issues such as Critical Race Theory and Antifa to promote divisions.
* It has no problem with touting complete lies like election fraud, and the recent claim that the out of state abortion for a 10 year old rape victim was an invention of the left.
* You follow a man whose been sewing distrust of free elections since he first started running for President and made numerous phony claims of election fraud.
* You make believing Trump's lie, that he won the 2020 election in a landslide, a condition for someone in your party to run for office, and placed scores of these people on the ballot to become state and local election officials.
* You're OK that Trump issued Executive Order 13957 just before he left office to gut the civil service and remove anyone (up to 30,000 people) opposed to him and replace them with political appointees.
* You handle all criticism by calling it fake news and accusing your opponents of everything your guilty of.
* Your appointees to the Supreme Court no longer base their rulings on the Constitution or court precedent but invent new principles, the latest one (Dobbs) backed by a medieval English jurist who prosecuted witches.

Are we feeling the Nazi vibe yet??

Fascist, Paramilitary Groups Seen Aligning With Republican Political Targeting

h/t lesgetrich