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08/16/22 12:25 PM

#24250 RE: Zorax #24246


What happens when a bankrupt corporation is absorbed by the surviving corporation in a merger? There is generally a reverse merger then forward split once completion is approved

32 trillion - 1.4 trillion = 30.6 trillion

It takes 600 billion per month to run the government. 1.4 trillion / 600 billion = 2 months 10 days

August 16th + 2 months 10 days = Oct 26th

without reconciliation and or shutdowns Oct 1 the budget will add 1.8 trillion to the deficit. Ceiling is 32 trillion. That means Oct 1 - 26 days = 5 September without reconciliation the DC Corp is broke. Add the Inflation reduction Act of 700 billion / 16.5 billion per day = 42 days. September 5th + 42 days = Oct 17th, 2022 the bank is empty if they barrow from Peter to pay Paul. If not September 5th +/- 10 days .