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08/16/22 12:33 AM

#258 RE: a false profit #257

Yes Columbia is ironically proving to be the most level headed and progressive country in the world wrt its cannabis regulatory framework and legalization plans. They don’t ban imports like Canada or change their framework on a dime like Israel and are well on the path to a fully regulated de-stigmatized thriving homegrown industry. Arguably, CLVR has a leg up on new domestic players entering the market but the earnings results have yet to prove that out. So far CLVR has proven to run one of the most expensive farms on the planet with a minuscule lumpy cannabinoid revenue stream. I re-read the earnings transcript and I’m amazed by Pablo’s optimistic price target and overall outlook. This team comes across as complete amateurs. Every quarter the “show me” story gets kicked down the road further. Meanwhile, some form of momentum liquidity has come back into the sector with many stocks up 40 to 50% which apparently is an ideal time for scammacord to dump ATM shares by the block killing all trader momentum. Apparently $1 a share is a great price to dilute ad nauseam by these purported financial stewards of capital.