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08/12/22 12:16 PM

#541 RE: J_Dean #540

Hi J,
I haven't heard anything at all. 7 days ago someone bought at .0001 which pushed it up minutely. 5 days later someone shorted it back down to .00001 again. Somebody found a broker that was willing to execute a buy trade and someone is still being allowed to illegally short it. Were talking about shorting 13,000 shares @ .00001. The total cost of the trade was 13 cents !!! Nobody is going to execute a trade for 13 cents on the SHORT side especially when the stock has been flagged. As Ive said for years a powerful interest wants Hellix all to themselves and has been relentless in attacking it. They want Hellix to capitulate and snatch it up for themselves. JPM plead guilty to massive precious metals rigging 8 years ago and paid a puny $900 million in restitution compared to the many billions they stole. 2 J.P. Morgan traders plead guilty to criminal precious metals rigging charges 2 days ago. These 2 stole hundreds of millions and yet nobody ever goes to jail. With hundreds of billions of dollars at your disposal you have the judges and the regulators in your back pocket. They steal at will and pay a pittance for their crimes. Somebody has the power to illegally short Hellix at will and the system turns a blind eye as has happened to so many. Its been going on for decades. You might want to call around to some brokers if you haven't done so already.
Best wishes to you bud.