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08/11/22 6:20 PM

#392250 RE: steelyeye #392249

“Having a third party payer/provider analysis done should set the stage for realistic negotiations, at least for B-OM.”

Big Pharma and medium Pharma don’t give a damn about any so-called third party analysis - they have their own in-house experts to do this stuff for them.

This was just a carefully choreographed exercise to goose the share price, complete with illegally released inside information.

The only question is who was behind this, and as usual the answer is follow the money.


08/11/22 7:30 PM

#392251 RE: steelyeye #392249

Didn't Ehrlich previously blow the same old smoke with Locust Walk and the press releases related to their relationship? How did that turn out as the share price sits in the .04 gutter? Flim Flam Ehrlich needs to actually produce.