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08/08/22 3:38 PM

#43825 RE: stockprofitter #43822

Agree - judges seem to have been looking for reasons not to side with shareholders. Hopefully, a jury won't take the bait. It would be great if they can have testimony from shareholders - put a face and story to the theft.


08/09/22 11:41 AM

#43828 RE: stockprofitter #43822

Totally agree, there will be financial experts who will be called, who will calculate the damages and over payments to UST.


08/09/22 11:48 AM

#43829 RE: stockprofitter #43822

Show trial. Straight facts? Far from it. More like lies and manipulation. Just like we've seen here with the GSE's. Courts have been completely compromised. Judge and plaintiff attorneys (funded by George Soros) political hacks. This case is far from over. Appeals will be filed.

Jury is our best bet. A recent jury just smacked Alex Jones for $45 million. No politics with a jury, just straight facts.