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08/04/22 5:37 AM

#76791 RE: parabolic2020 #76726

Oh I can’t wait to laugh with you at everyone who has a Big Fat Zero in their Bank Account for selling even one share of this stock because they weren’t able to have enough patience and common sense to realize that building a software platform
from scratch takes about just a year to fully be completed and WORKING 100%. What will all the losers say when MONI hits (.15-25-25-$1.00) all before year end? IMO I am not one of the naysayers who has lack of confidence in MONI or their future ability to offer a Fantastic Product to purchase and gift crypto. If others don’t have the ability to hang in here till the launch then I guess that’s more buying opportunity for the folks out here who will be more then happy like myself to purchase the cheap shares before this takes off any day now! I can see if the company had changed CEOs 5 times which BTW has never once occurred. When Alison resigned the interim CEO who is the owner Frank stepped in to make certain that his company finishes the launch of what IMO is going to be beyond what we are all expecting out here. In terms of gifting crypto and getting the right approvals to launch and design a platform from scratch takes about 12-15 months. Why would anyone want to release a brand new product that isn’t 100% perfected? I think the CEO & the entire technical team and partners that will be behind the BITGIFT app are going to blow the audiences out here away once they release this new product which will be worth the wait IMO. Let’s also make sure that the Fat Comments are dismissed whoever cared what a persons weight was of a CEO what’s that gotta do with the success of a product? Wake up folks Facts are Frank isn’t Fat the only thing that’s going to be FAT is MY Wallet & Bank Account once MONI launches ! Best Of Luck To MONI & GLTA you who are smart enough to be patient!


08/06/22 7:31 PM

#76927 RE: parabolic2020 #76726

Thanks for the reply and concerns...

1.) If a company changes it name every year or two, does that erase past history. Not to me, but maybe I have a different standard which is fine.

2. Yeah, the OTC website. I like to go with more accurate resources like LinkedIN. Why are there no employees on LinkedIN. Did you actually know AG wasn't an employee. Is she counted on the OTC website as an employee. Do they have a category for consultants that run away?

3.) Please post a link to the sold business plan.

4.) Please share a link to the AUDITED $MONI filings. Once they are audited, I'll believe what I read. What is the hold up and getting them audited.

5.) Why in the world would there be dilution. Many ways to fund this if the stock runs up. Plenty of blue blood money.

Please share $MONI's market plan pre and post launch. I've done a lot of DD and I just can't find it anywhere.