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Robert from yahoo bd

08/03/22 1:54 PM

#728268 RE: Robert from yahoo bd #728250

"We are not aware of a single decision by this Court
that could support the conclusion that a person who owns
property that was taken by the government lacks standing
to bring a Takings claim, or is somehow otherwise
precluded from bringing such a claim. It should make
no difference that the property owned is the right to
receive future dividends as a shareholder in a company.
When that property has been taken in its entirety for the
benefit of the government, the shareholder must have a right to bring a claim under the Takings Clause. Holding
otherwise is a drastic abdication of the extent to which
the Takings Clause protects the property rights owned
by shareholders. Such a significant decision should not
be made without review by this Court."

Justice Gorsuch on the importance of the federal judiciary enforcing our Bill of Rights in America:

"North Korea has an excellent Bill of Rights," he offers.

"They promise all the rights we have, and a bunch more. Right to free medical care, right to free education, and my favorite, a right to relaxation."

"Now, ask political prisoners how is that working out?" he queries.

For Gorsuch, those promises "aren't worth the paper they're written on" because there aren't structures to keep the power "from flowing into one set of hands."