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08/02/22 3:55 PM

#62990 RE: 3Angels120702 #62989

So according to the SEC lawsuit, there was a fictional merger (Circa Jan-April 2020) and then miraculously an actual real genuine merger with CLH health in May of 2020? So according to the SEC timeline, BW and JG fabricated a fictional merger up to April 2020 and then a month later a real merger somehow materialized with a bonafide candidate, CLX health, a joint venture owned by two large corporations? It doesn’t add up. Was the CLX merger real or not? The SEC lawsuit doesn’t answer this. The fact the SEC ignores any and all illegal behavior by BW and JG post 5/28/20/CLX merger is a tell. Everyone knows JG apparently went to work for CLX health in some capacity. If true, then that would impose serious liability on CLX Health and it’s owners, UST Global and Sirius IQ.


08/02/22 3:58 PM

#62991 RE: 3Angels120702 #62989

Holy sht. So in my mind I was over here remembering “form 4s” but it was never form 4s? It was letter after letter saying he was doing that

Excuse me. I was just replying to you saying he didn’t buy in the open market and clearly I operated as though he did. I’m in a habit of thinking of disclosures as being “legally binding” but I guess I’m not used to someone being that ballsy

Yea this is next level....I’ll shut up