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07/27/22 9:30 PM

#192730 RE: jimr1717 #192727

Noted and Incorrect. I'd trust securities lawyers first vs detractors.
PCTL shareholders should be aware of short and distort activities.

Glad I hold PCTL Long and strong. Most misinformation is bullshit
that readily falls from the wall when challenged. Be aware of such.

Here's to PCTL in the months ahead. Looking forward to Q2 fins in
mid-August. In the meantime. here's a good read for shareholders:


How to Know Short and Distort Manipulation When You See It - Savage Villoch Law PLLC - Security Fraud Lawyers

Most investors are familiar with pump and dump schemes. Well, there’s also an inverse to this type of investment fraud and it’s called a short and distort scam. In short and distort scams, fraudsters will artificially drive down an asset’s investment value by spreading false or unfounded negative press about it.

How to Spot a Short and Distort Scam

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) actually reports short and distort scams as a persistent, growing problem. The issue is that these types of scams subsist on an assumed position of authority.

The fraudster may hide behind false identity or present themselves as being in association with a legitimate source. The source of the information may be corrupted and acting to suit their own interests. Whatever the case, it can be extremely difficult to spot these types of scams.

These types of scams exploit our vulnerabilities; our doubts and trust in others. But you can avoid falling victim to them. There are ways to spot word-of-mouth scams and investment practices you can adopt to mitigate risks.

Find out where your information is coming from

As we mentioned above, there are essentially two potential sources for short and distort scams. Whatever (or whomever) the apparent source, it’s important that you actually find out where the information you are receiving originated and to what extent that information is valid.

The internet age has made it remarkably easy for people to hide behind false names and identities. Scammers especially have been able to capitalize on access to these new technologies.

If you start seeing negative press about a stock or security online, make sure you investigate the poster.

What is their post history? If there is limited to no prior history of posts, it’s a good sign the account was set up recently. Examine the content. Look for typos or inconsistencies in the text. A legitimate source of information would have a consistent tone and style.

Determine motives

Even if you know that the source of the information you are receiving is legitimate, you need to make sure the information itself is valid. To do this, you need to understand the motives behind that individual or entity disseminating that information.

Ask yourself what they may have to gain by sharing negative press about a stock or security. Is that person/entity taking a short-sell position? If so, that’s a clear indication of short and distort manipulation.

Do your investment due diligence

Regardless of whether a word-of-mouth scam is being perpetrated, you should always do your homework on a stock or asset before making any financial decision. You should have a fundamental understanding of the performance and status of your investment portfolio. That way, you are able to verify the validity of negative claims against a stock or security.