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07/25/22 6:24 PM

#23486 RE: Zorax #23485

“Trump War Room”, Really?

Biden tears into Trump over violence against police hours before ex-president returns to D.C. for campaign-style speech

Trump is expected to give a speech with a law-and-order theme just 1.5 miles from the Capitol, the site of a fatal riot that the Jan. 6 committee says he instigated.

President Joe Biden slammed former President Donald Trump on Monday for lacking "the courage to act" as police defending the U.S. Capitol suffered through "medieval hell" on Jan. 6, 2021 — a rare and direct attack pre-empting Trump's plan to deliver a law-and-order-themed speech Tuesday in the nation's capital.

“You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-cop," Biden said. "You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-democracy. You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-American."

Drawing from evidence presented at Thursday's prime-time Jan. 6 committee hearing, Biden ripped Trump for sitting idly in a private White House dining room "while brave law enforcement officers" were "subject to the medieval hell for three hours, dripping in blood, surrounded by carnage, face to face with a crazed mob that believed the lies of the defeated president."



07/26/22 7:32 AM

#23490 RE: Zorax #23485

Thanks for proving the existence of a site that portrays truth on Twitter! Looks like Musk is having a positive impact on their censorship problem.

TMTG Chairman Trump is the most persecuted innocent man in the history of America.