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07/25/22 3:33 PM

#212617 RE: bwolfy2002 #212616

I wonder if the SEC and DOJ would be insulted at what is being proposed about their ability to review simple items… How many years do we expect it to take them in this non-starter investigation before we can say, oh, yeah, guess there’s nothing to that…?

I wonder if Cytodyn would be insulted at what is being proposed about their ability to fill a BLA or just validate any trial with a regulator...How many years do we expect it to take them in this non-starter regulatory process before we can say, oh, yeah, guess there's nothing to that?


3X Charm

07/25/22 3:37 PM

#212618 RE: bwolfy2002 #212616

The alphabet soup of federal investigators are thorough. There are a lot of nefarious shenanigans over more than a decade by Nader, et al. If there is doubt, I have a standing offer of $10k to be matched and held in escrow at an attorney of choice. Step up or step off on the investigation nonsense.

100% REAL.


07/25/22 3:40 PM

#212619 RE: bwolfy2002 #212616

The local SEC/DOJ "experts" have explained every nuance and all the supposed infractions and violations in mind-numbing detail. They've beaten the dead horse so many times, that it might just come back to life. Don't you understand that there are so many layers to it all, it could take years and years for the experts in securities and law enforcement to just catch up to our esteemed "experts."

It's all so clear if all of us common folk were just smart enough to grasp it all. Don't you see? All I know is it involves phantom office raids. Apparently, our experts know every infraction, every punishable offense, and every bad actor involved. It's quite an impressive display of how to create something out of thin air.

The Dark KnaDDir

07/25/22 4:39 PM

#212622 RE: bwolfy2002 #212616

If it were nothing to worry about, then CYDY would stop mentioning it is being investigated in its SEC filings. There are so many things to investigate, hence the time its taking. Nader Pourhassan telling the CRO Amarex to file the BLA "short" while he declared a complete BLA had been filed to retail investors and then him proceeding to sell most of his shares into the hype is the biggest red flag.