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07/29/22 3:50 PM

#43789 RE: FOFreddie #43784

Been going on for well over a decade now, since Clinton Admin. It's just they're no longer hiding it. Charters, Constitution no longer matter. All with support of SCOTUS. Treasonists, all of them. All brought to you by Bush's, Clinton's, Obama's. GSE's were hijacked, plain and simple. There you have the reason for the Presidential privilege docs.

Ace Trader

07/30/22 11:56 AM

#43790 RE: FOFreddie #43784

One would wonder if there is a plan in the Trump Team. Steve Murch made the capital requirement so high that the Biden team couldn't do anything with the GSE's.

Since the Trump team new ahead of time that they were going to lose the 2020 because of the lax mail in votes etc, they still thought they could win if they got enough people out to vote to counter the Dems mail in votes.

That leaves us to 2024, With the meeting between Steve Murch and Bill Ackman makes you wonder if this is all a delay until back in office and then sell to 79% warrants to Bill and others. Think about another 4 years building capital for releasing and on top if the time needed to push these cases though the courts to win damages and potential pay out of damages it's a double payout to Bill, Steve and the Trump team.

Robert from yahoo bd

07/30/22 9:25 PM

#43797 RE: FOFreddie #43784

Nice find! Senator Toomey is one of the few people in the US Congress that has a working understanding of just what the heck is going on here, too bad he's headed towards the exists soon and is retiring.