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Robert from yahoo bd

07/21/22 4:04 PM

#727424 RE: kthomp19 #727420

Our "dear leaders" ALL TAKE AN OATH TO UPHOLD THE US CONSTITUTION, but few take it seriously! JB is on record saying that the CDC Eviction Moratorium was very likely UNCONSTITUTIONAL BUT DID IT ANYWAY KNOWING IT WOULD BUY ANOTHER MONTH OR TWO FOR DISTRESSED TENANTS!

And if people think DJT was any better, his administration came up with the whole goofy unconstitutional idea to begin with!

But remember, your investment theory with the "Fulcrum security", is centered around these ideas of instant recap, the dilution solution, and getting your noncumulative dividends turned on asap.

How long ago did Collins launch their lawsuit, 6 years ago? We haven't even gone to trial yet. I told you that multi billion dollar Litigation involving an adversary with unlimited resources and time just takes time.

As a non fulcrum security holder, if it looks like the final resolution of this most unfortunate situation is to hose the commons, then yes, by all means at a minimum, this American will make them fight for it in court ;-) !

NOW is the time to flesh out the legal pros and cons of each of the legal theories to challenge this atrocious, coercive and abusive governmental overreach, but that would be antithetical to you and your fulcrum security friends, wouldn't it ;-) !

KT, you and your fulcrum security friends don't care about Justice do you? Just give me my money!!!! HeeeHeee! ;-) !